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A think box to share with direct and indirect friends, family and contacts on matters that matter to us. The main idea is to discuss hot and colder topics while keeping a decent distance.

What is this all about?
The wish to discuss and debate in a more continuous way arose several years ago, especially in conversations with an old friend with whom we met regularly in Luxemburg over the past 10 years.
We both are easily passionate about all kinds of political, societal, demographic, historical, economic subjects and have felt, that we lack a place to exchange further, to keep the discussions going. What better than a digital forum, when it is not easy too meet physically regularly?
The image to the left is an illustration of what I perceive is the current background in all these fields : The World is in a Mess...
Or isn't it?
I have discussed this idea with several of you and the first question, that has almost systematically popped up is : will it be open to anyone?
Initially it won't, you are invited to join and are of course welcome to open it up to your friends. I prefer to keep it closed in order to find out how it works with a limited number of contributors / readers.
I am not ready to get reactions from people (if not bots, trolls, Elons ;) ...), that no one among us knows.
A debate should ideally take place with a physical presence, and no way to hide behind anonymity or fake identity.
This should be such a place, helped by our digital tools, to compensate for a physical forum, that would be difficult to set up.
If it is to be constructive, it also has to be respectful and caring, even though we hopefully don't agree on all topics!
In this first phase, I suggest, that we contribute by adding ideas, themes that are not too reactive to the latest news, there is so much material around for that already... With time, we could consider having a section in that direction, but let's avoid the short sightedness of reactions and posts such as the ones we get on social media.
All ideas to make this a living place to exchange are welcome!!
For our French friends, I have created a group (check in Forum/Groups) if you'd rather react and express yourself in French. Nevertheless, i can strongly recommend such a simple tool as Google Translate, that I have been using actively to translate excerpts from books, articles etc...!
Last but not least, I am not a digital native as you know, and it will still take some time to get this blog up to speed in terms of ergonomics and easiness to navigate in...
Welcome to The Goal is the Path !!
Some Principles with this Forum / Blog
Who are we?
Being the first contributor to this forum/blog, I will start with a very brief description of who I am, suggesting, that all future contributors do the same, essentially for the guys, that may join without knowing us personnally in the future.
I am Mikael Fellbom, now retired since 18 months from a career in Capital Markets and Asset Management. I love reading, debating, just as well as moving, travelling, taking care of our trees, playing music, ice hockey, sailing and skiing... And most of all my family with a wonderful wife, 3 fantastic boys and so far one little grandson!
Finally, friends are central in my life and those are the ones I count on to help me to animate this forum!
Among others, my favorite source of information and trying to increase my understanding of things is books. I feel like I read too much to spend time watching documentaries and am eager to get ideas on good ones to watch to help me save time!